Mark Your Calendars! December 4-8!!

How to overcome chaos before the New Year

without the pressure of mom guilt…

Are you a mom that's dealing with CHAOS in your life?

Are you looking for STRUCTURE?

If that's you, then you’re in the


This summit will help you identify the things that will bring ORDER before the end of the year so you can finally be free of STRESS and have the life you’ve been looking for.

Join me December 4-8

as we answer this question and so much more...

and it's FREE!

Hear from 15 top notch speakers to unlock secrets to building a Proverbs 31 life while chaos rages.

We are going to unpack conversations about hearing from God, Uncluttering your soul, Identity, Raising special needs kids, Relationships, and SOOO much more.

Don't miss this FREE summit!

Register NOW!

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"What an outstanding lineup of speakers. As a wife, mother, and business owner, I wear several different hats.
Personal growth is so important to me and these women spoke into all of my different roles."
- Shari (Caledonia, IL)


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